Thursday, October 24, 2013

Going "crazy"

First thing this morning, I woke up to Liz Taylor stepping in my mouth. Then my alarm went off at 5:00 a.m. The experiences were about equal.

All week I've been waking up early to go to Columbus for Mental Health First Aid training. Not 5 o'clock early, usually, but early enough that I feel like a rat in the race. This morning I was up early to work on my presentation.

That's right, I had to do a presentation. On Panic Attacks.

My back-up plan, should I do something Jamie-esque like drop my note cards, was to demonstrate a real live panic attack, which would have been no trouble. But instead, I kind of rocked it. Which means all the maligning I'd done of how "tough" my teacher was being on everyone makes the victory that much more sweet.

I'm also pretty excited that I've had the opportunity to go to the training for free, when the average person is required to pay $2,000. God bless grants.

I'm super excited to apply my skills to the field. Tools in my life-skill tool belt?? Oh. Heck. Yes.

There is a rumor that they're thinking of hiring my co-worker and I on full-time soon. "Full-time" where I work looks like 50ish hours a week.....on a slow week. I'm not sure I'm ready for all that. I've really been examining why I feel so tense about replacing the life I have with my job. I think it's because I actually like how things are turning out for Ollie and I and I don't want to miss enjoying all our blessings in the vain attempt to earn more. Or maybe I'm just lazy. Totally possible.