Friday, November 15, 2013

Babies, Board, and Bling

The only person on the face of the Earth that regularly reads my blog posts is my friend, Amanda. And to that end, I've decided that when I blog I'm going to do it as a letter to her. Because that takes the pressure off of me and hits my target audience. Everybody wins.


So my friend Erin texted me last night to say she's pregnant. I so excited for her -- I even did a little dance around our house. But then I threw myself a serious pity party. Like, curl up with my back to Ollie and wipe the tears on my own pillow, kind of pity party. I don't even know why. Parenting is a terrifying thought. But it shook loose some piece of me that wished it was easier for us. 

Anyway, then I went to work and sat through a meeting I wished I hadn't heard. You know when there are just "behind the curtain" type things that you kinda wish you hadn't peeked at? That was the two hour meeting I sat through. And I have to be so careful seeing the innner-workings of the board because my poker face, it stinks. Totally unbelievable. Completely not the face you'd want speaking for your entire organization. It's just better if I don't know.

I'm also working to get a page on the website about Sizzurp ("Purple Drank," "Lean," "Screw Juice") because I feel like that's the type of information that parents of teens need access to in our community. But looking it up online? Man that stuff is depressing. I could only research for about an hour before I decided that I needed to take a break and tuck my insides back in where they belong. 
(And you know what? There's actually a lot of this job that makes me feel that way. I really thought exposure to these things would make me worldly, which would make me cool. But instead, it makes me want to lock my front door and pull a Miss Havisham.)

But tonight is the light at the end of a dark week.......Diamond shopping! That always perks me right up. Lots of people do this self deprecating "Oh, I don't really like diamonds, they're over rated." Not me! I looooove diamonds over all other jewels. I can't tell you how many times when I'm on hold on my office phone I play this game with my wedding set, trying to make as many colors as possible in 10 seconds. I love the blues and pinks and greens you can make!! And tonight, a $200 gift card I won at the local trade show is going to be picking up part of the tab. Even better ;)

So give the girls a kiss for me. I'll text you a picture of the bling later.

Love you,