First, I was hired full time as the PR person for a small county agency that monitors outcomes and funding of local mental health / drug & alcohol addiction services. Why would something that niche need a full time staff person to do PR? Well because in almost exactly a month, we hope to pass a renewal levy that continues to provide us with the resources we need to help our community. I'm using the term "we" very loosely, as the real term is "I." And let's be honest, I typically like the type of project that's all consuming and keeps me up at night checking my e-mail and social media on my phone under the covers.The only difference this time is....
I'm also pregnant. Because one day my husband said "I think maybe we should have a baby" and then we did.
Taken exactly half way through the pregnancy (5 months).
The only side effect of pregnancy I experienced was the inability to feel hunger.
Being pregnant = the easiest diet I ever went on.
Being pregnant = the easiest diet I ever went on.
Taken at almost 7 months, where it's obvious that I've embraced the ideology
of "eat whatever sounds good."
of "eat whatever sounds good."
3D ultrasound photos taken at 29 weeks (yesterday).
So, the basic details are: We're due December 19th. It's a GIRL! We've decided on the name Lydia.We're totally excited and completely overwhelmed with the amount of stuff we need to do before December. I did not accurately gauge the level of energy I would have while baking a human and lugging around 10 extra pounds.
So, my life has been consumed with all things pregnancy, house, and levy. But I'd like to add blogging to that list! So check back for more.