Thursday, April 23, 2015

Exersaucers and Neck Crunches

These spare 10 quiet minutes brought to you by my bestie, Dawn, who brought over her exersaucer for the Doodle yesterday. My child LOVES this thing, and I feel 0% guilty letting her play with it since she's practicing her skillz and has learned how to turn her chair to find a new toy when the current one gets boring.

(Sorry Dawn, I'm also borrowing this picture.)

I'm using Diet Coke and extra-strength Advil to nurse a sore neck/jaw from last night's crunches. I hear you saying, "Your neck isn't supposed to be sore when you do crunches!" I'm pretty sure at one point I had stomach muscles, but now I don't. I blame the 7 inch hole they had to cut for my c-section. Or possibly the entire month of January when all I accomplished was sitting on the couch nursing and finally getting to watch all the shows on my Netflix list. Either way, by crunch 956, I was pulling myself up by the back of the neck. And I'm left with lock-jaw and stomach flab.

But I've got to get used to the idea of crunches, because in a week and a half I start a weight loss challenge at the gym where my mom and I take weekly Zumba. I'll be following The Plan and doing Yoga, Zumba, and Boot Camp each week. They made us write down our weight loss goals when we joined the program and mine was simply: "wear non-maternity jeans." I'm too cheap to buy a bigger size and I've got too much belly left to zip and button my old ones. So hopefully by the end of May I'll be back into my regular pants size. I'm okay buying a bigger size shirt, because let's be honest -- it's worth it to have a D cup (Yay breastfeeding!)

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Things I've learned about being a parent

Things I wasn't expecting when I became a parent:

  • Time goes so so fast. Like, the Earth literally spins on it's axle more quickly and *poof* you have a 4 month old. Which is really bizarre considering how much of each day I'm actually awake for now. 
  • Breastfeeding is less icky than I thought it would be. However, in public I've found it's best never to acknowledged how you feed your baby. Everyone has an opinion; a shocking number of them feel they need to tell you about it.
  • My marriage has become sort of a "war-buddies" type situation. Our deepest conversations are about epic baby poos and catchy kid songs and other people's offspring.This makes us (a) boring and (b) uniquely suited for one another. There's kind of a gross awesomeness about the whole thing. Like a weird mole. 
  • The sweet agony of your baby sleeping through the night for the first time. You look like Pamela Anderson and feel like Rip VanWinkle. Wait, my baby's still breathing right?!? 
  • My body is a weird shape. I'm just going to be honest and say.....every time I leave my house I'm in a terrible mood because nothing fits and I've just thrown everything that used to be my favorite all over the bedroom. Unless looking like Whinny the Pooh goes into style, I'm not bikini ready.
  • I'm not sure how narcissistic it is on a 10 point scale, but my husband and I spend a significant portion of our day admiring how beautiful our baby is. Seriously dude, we made that. #sorrynotsorry
  • My house can go from peaceful picked-up space of tranquility to Babies-R-Us explosion in about 5 seconds. I have no idea how this happens, but I'm telling you it does.
  • Babies can smell fear. As long as you pretend that you know what you're doing, they pretty much go with it. 
  • Nobody plays a better game of baby hot-potato than a mom and dad who are trying to decide who's going to change a poopy diaper that's so smelly the neighbors are complaining.
  • I do not want parenting advice. 
  • Being a mom is the hardest and most fun/rewarding thing I've ever done. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Babies and Levies

So it's been a little over 10 months since I've posted on my blog. I almost forgot it was here! But I thought it was time to update my little corner of the internet with what's happened in the past year:

First, I was hired full time as the PR person for a small county agency that monitors outcomes and funding of local mental health / drug & alcohol addiction services. Why would something that niche need a full time staff person to do PR? Well because in almost exactly a month, we hope to pass a renewal levy that continues to provide us with the resources we need to help our community. I'm using the term "we" very loosely, as the real term is "I." And let's be honest, I typically like the type of project that's all consuming and keeps me up at night checking my e-mail and social media on my phone under the covers.The only difference this time is....

I'm also pregnant. Because one day my husband said "I think maybe we should have a baby" and then we did.

 This first official photo shoot.

Taken exactly half way through the pregnancy (5 months).
The only side effect of pregnancy I experienced was the inability to feel hunger.
Being pregnant = the easiest diet I ever went on. 

Taken at almost 7 months, where it's obvious that I've embraced the ideology
 of "eat whatever sounds good."

3D ultrasound photos taken at 29 weeks (yesterday).

So, the basic details are: We're due December 19th. It's a GIRL! We've decided on the name Lydia.We're totally excited and completely overwhelmed with the amount of stuff we need to do before December. I did not accurately gauge the level of energy I would have while baking a human and lugging around 10 extra pounds.

So, my life has been consumed with all things pregnancy, house, and levy. But I'd like to add blogging to that list! So check back for more.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Babies, Board, and Bling

The only person on the face of the Earth that regularly reads my blog posts is my friend, Amanda. And to that end, I've decided that when I blog I'm going to do it as a letter to her. Because that takes the pressure off of me and hits my target audience. Everybody wins.


So my friend Erin texted me last night to say she's pregnant. I so excited for her -- I even did a little dance around our house. But then I threw myself a serious pity party. Like, curl up with my back to Ollie and wipe the tears on my own pillow, kind of pity party. I don't even know why. Parenting is a terrifying thought. But it shook loose some piece of me that wished it was easier for us. 

Anyway, then I went to work and sat through a meeting I wished I hadn't heard. You know when there are just "behind the curtain" type things that you kinda wish you hadn't peeked at? That was the two hour meeting I sat through. And I have to be so careful seeing the innner-workings of the board because my poker face, it stinks. Totally unbelievable. Completely not the face you'd want speaking for your entire organization. It's just better if I don't know.

I'm also working to get a page on the website about Sizzurp ("Purple Drank," "Lean," "Screw Juice") because I feel like that's the type of information that parents of teens need access to in our community. But looking it up online? Man that stuff is depressing. I could only research for about an hour before I decided that I needed to take a break and tuck my insides back in where they belong. 
(And you know what? There's actually a lot of this job that makes me feel that way. I really thought exposure to these things would make me worldly, which would make me cool. But instead, it makes me want to lock my front door and pull a Miss Havisham.)

But tonight is the light at the end of a dark week.......Diamond shopping! That always perks me right up. Lots of people do this self deprecating "Oh, I don't really like diamonds, they're over rated." Not me! I looooove diamonds over all other jewels. I can't tell you how many times when I'm on hold on my office phone I play this game with my wedding set, trying to make as many colors as possible in 10 seconds. I love the blues and pinks and greens you can make!! And tonight, a $200 gift card I won at the local trade show is going to be picking up part of the tab. Even better ;)

So give the girls a kiss for me. I'll text you a picture of the bling later.

Love you,


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Going "crazy"

First thing this morning, I woke up to Liz Taylor stepping in my mouth. Then my alarm went off at 5:00 a.m. The experiences were about equal.

All week I've been waking up early to go to Columbus for Mental Health First Aid training. Not 5 o'clock early, usually, but early enough that I feel like a rat in the race. This morning I was up early to work on my presentation.

That's right, I had to do a presentation. On Panic Attacks.

My back-up plan, should I do something Jamie-esque like drop my note cards, was to demonstrate a real live panic attack, which would have been no trouble. But instead, I kind of rocked it. Which means all the maligning I'd done of how "tough" my teacher was being on everyone makes the victory that much more sweet.

I'm also pretty excited that I've had the opportunity to go to the training for free, when the average person is required to pay $2,000. God bless grants.

I'm super excited to apply my skills to the field. Tools in my life-skill tool belt?? Oh. Heck. Yes.

There is a rumor that they're thinking of hiring my co-worker and I on full-time soon. "Full-time" where I work looks like 50ish hours a week.....on a slow week. I'm not sure I'm ready for all that. I've really been examining why I feel so tense about replacing the life I have with my job. I think it's because I actually like how things are turning out for Ollie and I and I don't want to miss enjoying all our blessings in the vain attempt to earn more. Or maybe I'm just lazy. Totally possible.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Cockroaches, Bras, and Family

Today I found a cockroach in my office. Welcome to public service.
I caught it in a cup and took it outside, but I obviously didn't take it far enough from the door since it practically beat me back to the lobby. I encouraged it to occupy someone else's office.
And that entire situation is a metaphor of my short time working for a government run "non-profit."

Also, buying bras is the worst ever. I'm going to start ordering them in bulk. A life time supply. And then I'll never have to spend 2 hours at a mall trying on a million bras. Seriously, I think I have some kind of shoulder strain.

Yesterday at church my grandfather said something kind of profound and I thought I should probably write it down since I'm likely to forget it. He said, "Salvation is the kind of thing you can't work to have and can't stop working on once you get." I thought that was a pretty insightful way of looking at it (insightfully Presbyterian, that is.)

Yesterday we also had a strange quasi family reunion. I think it may have scared my husband straight. One of my favorite relatives came, his name is Dwayne and he's 80. He brought his girlfriend who was "born in hill country" and embodied all the things I wax nostalgic about from Pike County. I loved her. I thought my favorite Dwayne story was about how my grandmother bit his big toe when they were kids and her mother scolded her because "She didn't know where that toe had been. Dwayne had probably been running bare footed through the barnyard." (I come from very practical stock.) But after yesterday my new favorite Dwayne story has to do with him giving his girlfriend's grandson a taste of whiskey and the grandson going to school and telling his teacher that he'd been drinking. I laughed harder than I should have when Dwayne's girlfriend recounted how her kids "don't hold to drinkin" and were somewhat displeased to be getting a call from the teacher who was concerned that they were giving their child alcohol at the tender age of 7. (Which honestly, the fact that the teacher called at all, shows how far the Pike County school system has come. I'm going to call that progress.)

I have Twitter now! They are going to try to force my hand about setting up a twitter for the board, and I thought I should try the whole tweeting thing before I went in to the meeting looking like an idiot. Now I'm a full fledged idiot who even has Twitter. Follow me: @kissthecook2007

Thursday, September 5, 2013

House buying, Funeral mealing, New job working

It feels like it’s been a million years since I’ve had the chance to write a blog, and yet the days since my last blog each passed so quickly that weeks slipped by before I even really realized it. The new job gobbled up my life with such stealth that just now, as I reflect on it, I realize how thoroughly I’ve been consumed. I love what I do – I love the hours and hours of meetings, being paid to be creative, closing the door of my office to do my embarrassing happy dance after a big win. What I’m not completely enamored with is how few people speak to me. There are days I don’t talk to anyone and I feel like my own little island. I’m terrified that they assume I’m in there designing genius, when in actuality I’m in there trying to quickly re-teach myself the four years of college I’ve managed to forget since 2009. (Newest Windows Publisher…..whaaaaat?) So each day I come home like a stress zombie having faked a days worth of bravado for the Board, and now having 2-3 hours of more work ahead of me on my home computer.

And also, because I’m half masochist, Ollie and I are in the process of closing on a house this week. Typical “Jamie fashion” is laying low for 6 months and then cramming all the life events into 90 days. (One time I decided to tear out our main bathroom a week before 30 people came to our house for Christmas. Christmas Eve morning I still didn’t have running water in there. It’s my pansy rendition of “living on the edge.”) There’s really nothing as major as writing the. biggest. check. ever. to clear your bank account (and I’m not kidding when I use the word “clear.”)

Life would also be less complicated if people stopped dying – which I realize is a broad truth but also is specifically germane to the type of August I had. I don’t remember if I mentioned it previously, but I’m in charge of our church’s funeral meals. We serve grieving families finger sandwiches, relishes, cookies, etc after they bury their loved ones. It’s a task I do with as much love as an uptight consummate over-organizer can muster (which is sometimes not as much love as I would like to admit. Why can’t we plan these passings on a day that isn’t already a scheduling nightmare? Whyyyyy??) Last week I did a funeral meal for a really cute little old lady who died in her own bed in her own home at the age of 100. I know it’s sad when anyone dies, but the real truth is – that’s the kind of death most of us hold out hope for. We had her family back to the church for a meal after the internment which was a mistake as the air conditioning broke the day before and I was stuck in a small 100 degree kitchen with a gaggle of little old women who smelled like something you’d order on discount from Miles Kimball. You know what I’m talking about right? That cloying smell of potpourri and death that reminds you of funerals you attended as a kid where a well meaning family member would call you by your mother’s name and smush you into their wrinkly bosom to gain an eye-full of a plain gold cross and a topographical map of skin tags heralding where they’d been in life. (Just me? That might just be me) Anyways, last night I received a call that someone else died and we’re to do another funeral meal on the same day and exact same time as my closing. I swear to you, this is why my hair is going prematurely gray. 

Flash forward 24 hours since I wrote the above:

Now we've closed on our house and are official homeowners. 
Now I've lived through the 2 hour planning meeting at work.
Now the funeral meal has been prepared, served, and cleaned up.

I feel like an old dish rag that someone used up and wrung out and hung over the faucet. I keep telling myself "November will be better. I don't have anything planned in November and I can get a grip then!" Yesterday a coworker told me that she needs me to publicize and plan a big Gambling Addiction workshop in mid-November. 

I will pay $5 to the first person who comes in my office and bangs my head against my desk until I pass out.