Monday, April 8, 2013

Hillbillie Housewife

It's been exactly 2 weeks since I pushed the big red panic button on the master control panel of my life. On that day, I very calmly I walked into my bosses office and handed him my two weeks notice. I tried to act like a pretty cool cucumber; I think I might have even sounded like someone who knew what in the world they were doing. Ha!

So, I decided (and by "decided" I mean that crazy fit of bravery you get right before you parachute out of a plane and then spend the free-fall thinking "whatamidoing, whatamidoing, whatamidoing!") to take a little time off of the rat race and figure out what comes next. I'll volunteer my services around town and see what happens; maybe I'll find my niche or I'll rule out some job genres. I'm going to heal my ulcer before I have to quit eating Mexican/pizza and thus basically starve to death. I'm going to try chicken and waffles, because I've been dying to find out what all the hype is about. I'm going to wear shorts for the first time in more than 10 years (the weight I lost with Advocare was okay, but I'm guessing the next 10 pounds are going to be more challenging). It's time to reinvent -- until further notice I'm a person under construction.

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