(Sorry Dawn, I'm also borrowing this picture.)
I'm using Diet Coke and extra-strength Advil to nurse a sore neck/jaw from last night's crunches. I hear you saying, "Your neck isn't supposed to be sore when you do crunches!" I'm pretty sure at one point I had stomach muscles, but now I don't. I blame the 7 inch hole they had to cut for my c-section. Or possibly the entire month of January when all I accomplished was sitting on the couch nursing and finally getting to watch all the shows on my Netflix list. Either way, by crunch 956, I was pulling myself up by the back of the neck. And I'm left with lock-jaw and stomach flab.
But I've got to get used to the idea of crunches, because in a week and a half I start a weight loss challenge at the gym where my mom and I take weekly Zumba. I'll be following The Plan and doing Yoga, Zumba, and Boot Camp each week. They made us write down our weight loss goals when we joined the program and mine was simply: "wear non-maternity jeans." I'm too cheap to buy a bigger size and I've got too much belly left to zip and button my old ones. So hopefully by the end of May I'll be back into my regular pants size. I'm okay buying a bigger size shirt, because let's be honest -- it's worth it to have a D cup (Yay breastfeeding!)