Did anyone else make the mistake of trying to talk to their super conservative rural Ohio family about the repealing of DOMA? Am I the only fool who thought that would be a good idea??
For penance I stood in the kitchen for almost 4 hours baking cookies. I HATE baking cookies. I especially hate drop cookies which take forever and are difficult to get evenly baked (is that just me? I'm always afraid to play kitchen confessions on the off chance I'm the only person in the world that sucks at something. We should discuss the epic pain in the butt that is bread making, amiright? Wait, right guys? right?? anyone????)
I'm also serving hard time for the sun worshiping I insisted on doing at the pool last weekend. I am beyond tired of going to bed each night caked in aloe only to very gently toss and turn on sticky sheets because no matter how I lay, it smarts. I've gotten adept at standing in exactly the right spot in the tub so that the shower nozzle sprays me enough to get clean but not enough to make me cry. Luckily a few days into my sentence of suffering from karma in silence, my friend Amanda texted me her sun burnt status and thus I've had someone to complain sympathize with. I've been using my burn as an excuse to take it easy this week, but now that it's slowly fading and my "projects" are piling up, I need to get on top of my chores before the block party takes over all my extra time.
On a cheerier note, has anyone seen the manifesto posted by Vimrod last month? I don't normally find myself drawn to these, as none have ever been quite the perfect fit for my own world view. But this one, this one is so close that as I read through it I felt like it was precisely the type of thing I would write if I was going to do my own (and maybe one day I will find the time to do my own......like when God invents the 32 hour day.) The only disclaimer I'll put is that I don't pee in nature. In fact, I've gone to death defying lengths to make sure that never happens.
I'm considering having this made into a poster to hang in my mudroom so I can read it coming and going, what do you guys think?
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