Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Playing Catch-up

I don't hate running! Ok, I'm not going to go so far as to say I love it (#crazytalk) but I've learned to appreciate it's benefits. Mostly the empowered feeling that I can drink a glass of wine, eat a slice of bread, or have a spoon full of unbaked cookie dough because I RAN. (Sometimes I do all three of those things. #realcrazytalk) I feel like a super hero! Especially since I wake up at 6 am, forgo makeup in favor of passing a brush over my teeth, and then do this blessed event outside in the open where everyone can see me. It isn't especially pretty or fun, but when we finally get home there's a very reassuring moment where I lay on my living room carpet and try not to die.

Monday evening Kate and I went out to dinner at The Minute Bar. We ordered 2 margaritas a piece (Life is short!) and laughed ourselves off the stools and solved all of the world's more major issues. Plus we had to gush over the wedding of our mutual friend this past weekend. What is it about weddings that just make all your warm gooey places melt?
L to R: Myself, Erin, and Carey
L to R: Kate, Myself, Carey

See that look on Kate's face and the fact that I'm simultaneously cracking up? That's how we've managed to get ourselves into so much trouble over the past 12 years. (Also, I realize I look like a sher-pei when I laugh. I'm working on it.)

I think I may actually be getting a better handle on this whole hillbillie housewife gig. I do sometimes feel like I'm caught in a tug of war between my house projects and my cleaning schedule. I've also insisted that the husband and I not use our AC this summer in an effort to "save money." And while saving money is great, my real reason (as misguided as I realize this is) is more about trying to adhere to a 1950's style housewifedom and that includes the laughing and yelling of the kids at the pool being filtered through the box fan in my window. All that lovely noise mingles with my radio and keeps me company. Pure nostalgia, but I think it adds an extra mite of sweetness to each day. 

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