Monday, June 24, 2013

Here Comes the Sun

Sure, it's all fun and games being of Scottish decent until you walk outside and the sun hits you. Usually I'm a mess of freckles after spending any time outdoors in the summer, but thankfully after a few hours in the pool this weekend, they're all covered up with the worst.sun.burn.ever. Ollie said to me before we left the house, "You're going to want sun screen. If you don't put it on, I don't want to hear any comments about how much your sunburn hurts!" 
Me? Sunburn?? I laugh in the face of sunburns!! Muwahahaha....

And do you know what's infuriating about my spouse? He's so often right. Now I look like a lobstah and I can't even complain about it. (Which made for a pretty quiet run this morning. Yes, I ran and I counted each time that my shirt touched my shoulders and made me wince. A most unpleasant way to pass the time, let me assure you.)

Baywatch extras

I have to admit, the sunburn was mostly worth all the fun we had in the pool over the weekend. Out in the country no one cares how you look in your bathing suit, or if you splash pool water on the ground, or if you bring a list of "80 Questions to Ask Your Spouse" and then laugh uproariously when your husband reenacts some of his playground antics to demonstrate his answers. We played hard and then slept like logs each night, just the way I remember summer's as a kid. 

Today it's back to situation normal, and a marathon week as we prepare for the big P-ville block party this weekend.

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